
Cowls are one of the easiest pieces of neckwear you can make for yourself or for a friend. And this one is just lovely. The rich red color is a pick-me-up for any dreary and drab winter day and the touch of lace will just make you feel pretty. Enjoy!

Red Heart yarns worsted weight, Cherry Red (1 skein)
Crochet hook, size H
Blunt needle to weave in ends

Skill- Moderately easy.
Size- 39" Circumference (19" L x 8" W)

With Cherry Red and H hook, ch 29.

Row 1- Insert hook in 5th ch from hook, pull up a loop, yo and through the first 2 loops, leaving 1 loop on hook, *insert hook in next ch, pull up a loop, yo and through the first 2 loops, rep from * twice more, yo and pull through all loops on hook [bottom of diamond made], ch 2, 1 dc in next ch, rep across 1 dc in last ch. Ch 4, turn

Row 2- [Mark this as RIGHT SIDE] Work a 4-dc shell in top of first bottom diamond, ch 1, 1 dc in top of next dc, *4-dc shell in top of first bottom diamond, ch 1, 1 dc in top of next dc, rep from * across,1 dc in top of turning chain. (Diamond row completed) Ch 4, turn.

Row 3- Insert hook in first dc, pull up a loop, yo and through the first 2 loops, leaving 1 loop on hook, [insert hook in next dc, pull up a loop, yo and through the first 2 loops, leaving 1 loop on hook,] rep 3 more times, yo and pull through all loops on hook [bottom of diamond made], ch 2, 1 dc in next ch, rep across 1 dc in last ch. Ch 4, turn.

Note- Place a marker to remember that this the right side

Rows 4 to 31- Rep rows 2 and 3 for diamond lace pattern. Ch 3, turn.
Row 32- Work 26 dc across the row. Ch 4, turn (counts as first tr of next row).
Row 33- 1 tr in second dc of row, 1 tr in each dc across. Ch 3, turn.
Rows 34 to 56- Rep rows 32 and 33. Fasten off, leaving long tail to sew with.
Thread blunt needle and sew into a tube. Weave in ends.


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