

Red Heart worsted weight yarn, Turqua (1 skein)
Crochet hook size H
Yarn or blunt needle for weaving ends
Size- 6" W x 24" (in circumference)
Skill- Intermediate

With Turqua and H hook, ch 27 loosely.

Row 1-Row 1 (Right Side) Work 1 sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (Mark this row as Right Side.) Ch 1, turn.
Row 2- Make 1 sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3- 1 sc in each st across. Ch 3 (counts as 1s dc of next row), turn.
Row 4- *Skip next 3 sc, work 1 tr in next 3 sc, working over the 3 tr just made, make 1 tr in each of the 3 skipped sc, repeat from * across to last sc, make 1 dc in last sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 5- 1 sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 6- 1 sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Row 7- 1 sc in each st across. Ch 3 (counts as 1s dc of next row), turn.
Row 8- *Skip next 3 sc, work 1 tr in next 3 sc, working over the 3 tr just made, make 1 tr in each of the 3 skipped sc, repeat from * across to last sc, make 1 dc in last sc. Ch 1, turn.

Repeat rows 5 to 8 for pattern until the piece measures 23".
Fasten off, leaving long enough tail to sew piece into a tube and then weave in tail.

You're done!

Bible Universe