
Many crocheters prefer cowls because they are relatively easy to make and look really good on any woman. This one is for the lovers of green who are looking forward to the prettier days of Spring. Enjoy!

Size- 7" W x 22" L (circumference)
Skill- Relatively easy

Red Heart worsted weight yarn Spring Green (1 skein)
Crochet hook size H
Blunt or yarn needle
Measuring tape

With Spring Green and H hook ch  26 loosely.

Row 1- 1 sc in second ch from hook and in each ch across. (25 sc) Ch 4, (counts as first dc plus ch 1 of next row), turn.
Row 2 (Right Side)- Skip next sc, *work Cluster in next sc as follows (YO, insert hook in next sc and pull up a loop, YO and draw through 2 loops on hook, rep 3 times, YO and draw through all 4 loops on hook ), (Cluster made), ch 1, skip next sc, repeat from * to last sc, 1 dc in last sc. (11 Clusters). Ch 1, turn.
Row 3- 1 sc in first dc, sc in each ch -1 sp and in each Cluster across to last dc, 1 sc in last dc. (25 sc)
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until piece measures 22 inches, ending in an sc row.
Fasten off, leaving a tail long enough to sew piece into a tube and also weave in tail.

You're done!

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