This scarf is my own pattern. I give you permission to use it for personal and for charity purposes, but not to sell it nor to post it in any website unless you consult me first. I will give you permission to post it in yoru site or blog if you ask me, if proper credit is given me and if you specify that it is for non-commercial use.
With the yarn you have chosen and H hook, ch 111. Row 1: 1 dc in 4th chain from hook and in each ch across. Ch 3, turn. (109 dc made)Row 2: 1 dc in each dc across.
Rep row 2 until, counting them, you have completed 14 rows. Fasten off. Note: I made mine using several colors, because it is intended for charity and I like to cheer up people by giving them bright-colored items that lift their spirits, but you can make it in a sigle yarn color or you can use a variegated, or alternate between a variegated and a single color. The appearance of the scarf will change dramatically with the change of yarn. You can also make it using fun fur. Gathering strap: Ch 20. Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, and all across. Row 2: 1 sc in each sc across across. Fasten off. Counting right from left across the width of the scarf, sew the strap to the scarf between dc 29 and 30, using the same color yarn you used to make the strap. Fasten off. Do the same on the other side. The strap will lie across the scarf, gathering it a bit. Join the same contrasting color you used to make the strap to a corner of one of the two ends of the scarf, sc all around the scarf. Fasten off. Clean up all yarn ends. You can leave it like this or you can make shells on both ends of the scarf or put tassels or pom-poms on both ends. A nice and fun finish it would be to sew huge buttons across the first row of the scar on both ends. It all depends if your a making it for an adult or a young person.
Gathering strap: Ch 20. Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, and all across.
Row 2: Sc across. Fasten off. Counting right from left across the width of the scarf, sew the strap to the scarf between dc 29 and 30, using the same color yarn you used to make the strap. Fasten off. Do the same on the other side. The strap will lie across the scarf, gathering it a bit. Join the same contrasting color you used to make the strap to a corner of one of the two ends of the scarf, sc all around the scarf. Fasten off. Clean up all yarn ends. You can leave it like this or you can make shells on both ends of the scar, or put tassels or pom-poms on both ends. or a nice and fun finish would be to sew huge buttons across the first row of the scar on both ends. It all depends if your a making it for an adult or a young person.
More variations: You can sew beads on the strap or crochet it with beads. You can also combine ribbon with acryclic yarn to fancy it up if you will be giving it as a gift. Another thing you could do is to make a crockscrew fring at each end and to sew some beads to it. The possiblities are endless.
Hope you enjoy it and that it helps you in your sharing. Blessings!
A Prayer for Protection and the Snake in the Path:
It has been a unusually long summer in Arizona, at least hwere we live, ner Nevada. Visitors love it. To us, native dwellers, the problem are the vipers. We have to keep a watchful eye we set our feet when we are outdoors. Our family has been living in this house for over ten years and we have had many an encounter with rattlers of various kinds, also our cat and our dogs, but nobody has ever been bitten. That is not a coincidence nor chance, nor luck. That is an anwser to a specific prayer for protection, since we have had to contend closely with the reptiles at times to save the lives of our pets. Anyway, currently, my mom, who has osteoporosis, is recovering from a fracture to her hip and is shuffling along, instead of walking. She goes about her routine as normally as possible and stays quite active for her 80-year-old frame. Yesterday, she went out to give a snack to our dogs, to young Aussies, who run around a log. Every day, especially since she doesn’t want any falls (and the dogs jump all over her because they love her) she always prays for protection before she goes out. She was shuffling along doen the path, on her way to find the dogs, when something made her stop and look down. Just less than a foot ahead of her (and she was wearing her house slippers!!!!) was a coilded rattler. It raised its head, getting ready to strike, but strangely, it did not hiss nor rattle its tail. In alarm, my mom took a step backwards and slowly, moved away, while she yelled for me to come. I came running, and told her to go around on the other side, to prevent the dogs from seeing the vipers and going at it. She was able to shuffle her way across from where the snake was, it didn’t move. She got the dogs, gave them a snack to get them into their house and closed the little chicken-wire-lined "porch" it has. (Out previous dog was almost bitten on the face by a rattler that wanted to evict him from his house and use it to lay its eggs. So we decided to add this little protection for out animals, and whenever there is danger, and there has been more then once, we lock them in). Soon the dogs spotted the viper and barked at it, but they were safe from it. It couldn’t get at them nor could they run to try to attack it. We decided to throw balls of naphtaline all round it. For some reason, they don’t like the smell of it. And it left, with God’s help. Nobody got hurt, not even the reptile. The balls were pi ked up so the dogs wouldn’t chew on it. And the dogs were allowed to come out and to run a round as usual. Prayer is not some ethereal and mysterious thing. It is simple communication with an Infinite God who loves us. Try it, is you never have done it. It will make a difference in yoru life. "Then for God’s mercy we should pray; And may we by that prayer be taught, Along life’s pathway, day by day, to show the mercy that we sought." Edith Silvia Colburn.
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