From Boring to Beautiful-
Let's say you have crocheted a doily, but after all your trouble it did not come out the way you wanted it. You wanted something a bit fancier and more elegant. Here are some suggestions you can follow to add some pizzazz to it:1. Depending on the design of your doily, you may add some embroidery to it. 2. You may add some ribbon to it. 3. You may add some pearls or beads to it. Crocheted beading is easier by far than embroidery beading. At least I find the latter one more difficult. But if you have come to the end of a project and would like to apply beads to it, by all means, get yourself a good quality sewing (I prefer polyester quilting quality thread) of the same color as your project, purchase the beads that would go best with it and just carefully sew them on, taking care that the stitches will not show.
Holes in Hats- That has happened to the best of us! You are making a nice winter hat and when you sew it all up it has a gaping hole at the top! Well, I am here suggesting some creative ways to cover that hole. 1. Make a pompon and place it on top of the hole. 2. Make a flower and sew it in such a way as to cover the hole. 3. Make a butterfly and use as the flower above. 4. Make a huge tassel and use it to cover the hole. 5. Make a bow with grossgrain ribbon and
attach it to the top.
All Those
Yarn Ends!- Let's say that you like to crochet or knit in colo
Do you feel discouraged or down sometimes?
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